P ersonal A assistant F or W eather A nd S tyle A dvice Haven't you ever woken up in the morning, opened up your closet and thought what you were going to wear? You spend 15 minutes of your morning standing and staring at your clothes, wondering what you are going to put on. And THEN, after you put clothes on, you realize you forgot to check the weather to make sure your dress attire coincides with this extremely inconsistent New York City weather. And upon checking, you realize it is scorching hot out (although mid-February) and you have to completely start all over again! It's a mess! Well, we have created an everyday solution to this mess, thanks to PAFWASA! PAFWASA is a personal assistant whose job is to assist its user in general weather advice and style tips the second he/she wakes up in the morning and opens his/her closet to start the day. PAFWASA lives in your closet (or a drawer if your wish). Assuming the closet light is turned on every da...