Project Inspiration:
In light of the impending presidential elections that are pulverizing today's journalism and thus constant references to our government, nation, and policies, we have decided to build an interactive toy for young kids, to help brainwash them to become as American-strong as possible. (better to hop on the bandwagon as early as possible!)
Project Details:
Essentially, the goal of this toy is to force children, or users, to feel a sense of pride (or hatred) towards the United States, via American propaganda. In our toy, specifically, we will be using our national hymn, "The Star Spangled Banner" and American flags to help accentuate this goal.
Our toy is geared for kids between the ages of 2-6, preferably, although it can work for anyone really. The toy is meant to keep the user's interest by being able to control the speed of the twirling flags and also with the flashing LEDs that light up synonymously with the music. When the infant child no longer cares for the American hymn, he/she can turn it off simply by pressing the button.
We call the toy the "American Dream".
Team Members: Siyuan Hu (Kelvin), Zack Kimelheim
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