Mini MIDI Controller - Ideation and planning
<Project Name: Drummy OR M&M>
- Project idea
In this project, we are trying to build a portable Trellis MIDI instrument that has a pleasant physical form (making users want to press!) and can send MIDI notes signal to any MIDI-enabled applications (MIDI Studio on OSX and some iOS apps). The mini controller has a 3d-printed case housing one 4x4 trellis and 4 potentiometers ideal for a 16-button drum pad. Technically, with a little programming ingenuity, it is possible for the controller to send any kind of MIDI command through USB. The idea is inspired a device called UNTZtrument, an open-source grid controller based on the Adafruit Trellis button platform.
- Target audience
People who are interested in music and technology and want to have a handy and portable MIDI sequencer that can entertain their music addiction!
- Project meaning
Visualize music beats for the music player on computer screen so that he/she can get to see the music in reality in addition to simply hear it.
- Enhancement of existing human interaction
The project enables user to physically interact with the LED-lighted drum pad and visualize the sound data in thus enhances user’s audio-visual experience.
- Parts needed
- 3D-printed case
- 6-32 x 1/2 Flat Phillips Screws (14)
- Screwdriver
- Software to be used
Arduino (Adafruit_Trellis.h, Wire.h) & Processing
- Team members
Zack Kimelheim: Sophomore/CS major/Good at putting hardware parts to work/Order the hardware parts
Siyuan Hu: Junior/CS major/Good at coding and using Processing/Data visualization and sound processing
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